Monday, October 8, 2012

Countdown to Halloween Day 8 -- Top 5 Costumes I'd Like to Wear

As evidenced by yesterday's post, I'm not exactly a bastion of creativity when it comes to my Halloween costumes; cheap, quick, and easy is the rule of the day.  But, if I did have more money, time, and skills --, and, let's be honest, less poundage around the midsection -- here are some costume ideas I'd love to do

5. The Monarch or his henchmen -- really, I could say "virtually any Venture Bros. character," but there's something about the incongruity of The Monarch's appearance and his supposed menace that appeals to me.

3. Jack Staff/Union Jack/Captain Britain -- any of these UK themed heroes' outfits would be a treat to wear

3. The Question -- I've always been a fan of the faceless Question's design

2.  Nightcrawler -- my all time favorite X-man has to be near the top of my list

1. MODOK -- it would be imposbile to maneuver in, but it would be glorious nonetheless

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